My publisher,
Swordworks Books is responsible for some great artwork for my novels. The designs are detailed and often include an amalgamation of custom artwork, illustration and images of models. Earlier on in June I was pleased to take part in a bizarre but very interesting photoshoot to obtain artwork that will be included in a variety of projects including my Star Crusades series.
Swordworks publish books on such diverse subjects as science-fiction, fantasy, horror and instructional manuals.
The day started off with a number of people dressed in all kinds of attire from World War II German uniforms to leather jackets and dyed hair. Each carried a variety of props that included historical and modern weapons and in some really great poses. A make-up team was on standby and they created some fantastic injuries as well as dirtying up some of the models prior to the photo session.

Photography was conducted by
Imaginography and I think you'll agree that the photographs were truly exceptional. All of the images were taken at the session or created from material taken that day. Enjoy!
If you would like to see more of the photgraphs from that day please checkout the Imaginography
Facebook page.